Looking Back

1. Have you ever felt embarrassed by the things that you used to like?

There are few things in my life, who I am and the things that I like, that I am embarrassed by. If I like something, I’m usually open and accepting about it, and try to share it when I can. The things that I like and believe in are a part of who I am. This conviction extends further to my past, to who I was and the things I used to like. Of course, there are many things from my past that I no longer feel a connection too. My past being a part of who I am, however, means that those things that used to be important to me have helped shape me into who I am today.

Let’s look back into elementary school, when my favorite game was Poptropica. I was obsessed with the game, and wanted to play whenever I could and whenever I couldn’t. I played by myself and with my friends, inside of school and outside of school. I remember falling asleep at night, wishing and thinking about Poptropica and excited for the next day when I could play again and pick up my mission exactly where I left off. I recently replayed my favorite Poptropica island. I had to make a new account, because I forgot my login information after all these years, but it was nice to start afresh. I wasn’t sure how it would go, but I actually had a lot of fun with it. It was just as hard as I remembered, but this time I was able to beat the island without the cheats and walkthroughs I relied on back in first grade.

But from revisiting the game, and replaying my old favorite island, I realized that for me, at this time, it’s the memories and nostalgia I play for, over the actual gameplay and story. Walking through those same paths and going through the same motions as my 6 year old self brings me right back to my childhood and gives me a certain sense of comfort and joy. I’m no longer immersed in the game like I was back then. Rather, I guess what I really want is to be immersed back in that world and time.

 Like I said, I still have fun with the game. But if I were to critically judge the quality of the game, personal feelings aside, there wouldn’t be too much to brag about. The way I perceive the game is much different from 10 years ago. One part of me wonders how I became so obsessed with this game. Another part of me wonders if maybe the quality of the game simply dropped in the years since. But I know that’s not the case. I’m playing the same game with the same islands as I did before. It’s not the game that changed, but rather me.

Though it is clear that I have outgrown this game I used to love, I’m not at all embarrassed by my once childish and naive excitement over Poptropica. Rather, I celebrate and choose to have fun with it. For me, it would feel like I was being dishonest to myself, and denying a part of who  I am, if I were to turn a cold shoulder to my Poptropica days and sweep it under time’s rug.

I try to look back on my past and who I was in terms of if I like that person or not, but rather as a  piece of who I am, a finished chapter leads to where I am now. Of course I no longer like everything I used to like. And I won’t always like what I like now. But, I won’t wish that I had never liked something. In the future, when I inevitably realize that I have changed, I’ll also try to not look back negatively on who I am right now. Personally, I'd rather look back on myself with acceptance and understanding rather than embarrassment and aversion.


  1. This essay is quite good, and I can't find any glaring flaws in it. If you want to streamline the essay more, you might consider removing some of the minor details like forgetting your login information and replacing it with a simple "I got a new account and started fresh."

  2. This is a very good essay. Although I think it is a little loose response to the prompt, I think that you make it clear that you have consciously chosen not to be embarrassed which makes it seem like you used to be embarrassed by it or something along those lines. Maybe some of the less important details could be left out but if you're not worried about cutting down on the essay, I see no problems with it.

  3. This is a very well written and concise essay. It makes me wish I had a computer to play games on back in the day! Are you truly embarrassed about this time in your life though? It seems that you are more embarrassed about the addiction that you had to the game when you use to play, rather then the game its self. Other then this little wrinkle I thought this essay is very well thought out and expertly written. It shows that this is your second semester of non-fiction!


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